Brenda segue a pista de um atirador suspeito que está assassinando membros de uma das piores gangues da cidade. Ela trabalha secretamente com um coronel aposentado da Marinha Americana.
Equipe investiga um ataque posterior a uma vítima de fúria no trânsito. Com o Dia de Graças chegando, Flynn sofre um revés. Rusty consegue a entrevista com Slider.
A policial Roz Huntley captura um suposto serial killer, mas o investigador Tim alerta para um possível erro de condenação. A AC-12 começa a investigar o caso.
The strangulation of a young woman mirrors the unsolved case of a 12-year-old girl in 1989, murdered at the home of a troubled teenager (Carly Schroeder).
A long-term AIDS survivor asks Rush and Valens to reopen the case involving his murdered partner, an AIDS activist and scorned member of a prominent family.
Reese e Finch tentam proteger um psicólogo cujos métodos nada ortodoxos para ajudar seus pacientes encontram um final que poderia lhe custar muito caro; flashbacks revelam o frágil estado de Finch nos dias após o bombardeio que matou seu amigo.
The strangulation of a young woman mirrors the unsolved case of a 12-year-old girl in 1989, murdered at the home of a troubled teenager (Carly Schroeder).
A long-term AIDS survivor asks Rush and Valens to reopen the case involving his murdered partner, an AIDS activist and scorned member of a prominent family.
Reese e Finch tentam proteger um psicólogo cujos métodos nada ortodoxos para ajudar seus pacientes encontram um final que poderia lhe custar muito caro; flashbacks revelam o frágil estado de Finch nos dias após o bombardeio que matou seu amigo.
A policial Roz Huntley captura um suposto serial killer, mas o investigador Tim alerta para um possível erro de condenação. A AC-12 começa a investigar o caso.
A mother becomes Stabler and Benson's prime suspect in the poisoning of her child; Novak enlists Clark's assistance in obtaining evidence to remove a judge from the bench after his bias in two child abuse cases leads to a wrongful arrest.
A woman attempts to kidnap a child she believes is her daughter; while DNA tests are in progress, Benson traces the confusion about the child's origins back to a fertility doctor.
When two police officers in separate precincts attack their wives and demonstrate suicidal behavior, Benson and Stabler suspect a malaria drug both men received while serving in a reserve unit in Afghanistan.
A distraught pregnant woman threatens suicide, claiming that her child is a product of rape, but when the case goes to trial, the woman's willingness to settle for cash makes detectives suspicious.